50 KNOTS in the Forecast!! You’ll Want to be Behind a Lock for This!! (MJ Sailing – Ep. 146)

We get ourselves settled into Sutton Harbour just in time for some very bad weather to blow through.

Finishing up our last few miles after having just sailed to Plymouth from Waterford, Ireland – we up anchor at sunrise to pull into our winter home at Sutton Harbour Marina. While checking in at the office we run into Dan of Sailing Uma, and although he invited us over for coffee, by the time we’d taken our showers and walked over they were just heading out to take care of some business.

Luckily we have a few nice and sunny days where I’m able to give a tour of our home for the winter, because just after that, the seasonal storms set in. On a particular day when the winds were forecast to gust to 50 knots, and waves rolling into the harbour were said to be 5 meters, we grabbed our cameras to go check it out. We found the inner harbour wasn’t nearly as bad as the reports said it would be, but after looking at all the bucking boats in Queen Anne’s Battery Marina, we were very happy to be safely tucked behind a lock.

Just after Christmas we met up with the marketing director of Sutton Harbour, Claire, and her partner James. They took the three of us on a wonderful ride out of town where we were able to experience Dartmoor National Park, and then take in a beverage and clotted cream at the Two Bridges Hotel.

A great introduction to the Plymouth and Sutton Harbour area, and we know we could not have chosen a better spot to winter over with Elements.


Much love from England!
Jessica, Matt & Georgie

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Northern Sailing in DECEMBER!! – Ireland to England (MJ Sailing – Ep 145)

After waiting weeks for 48 hours of steady weather, we’re now able to make the sail from Ireland to England!

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After we left the Dublin area, we spent the end of November hanging out in Waterford waiting for just two days of decent weather together for us to make the last leg of our trip to England. And at the very beginning of December, we found it!

It was a compromise though, since to keep ourselves from being in heavy weather, we’d get one good day of sailing in, but the rest would be motoring. Not always a bad thing though, as our arrival to England was met with clear blue skies, flat calm waters, and even dolphins!

Dropping the anchor in Plymouth Harbour just after 1 am on our second night out, we’re now just inches away from our winter berth.


Much love from England!
Jessica, Matt & Georgie

Submerged in Frigid Waters!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 144)

We get a fishing pot wrapped around our rudder in the Irish Sea….and Matt has to get in frigid waters to free us!

In this week’s episode we travel from Bangor, Northern Ireland, to Dublin. Along the way, we wrap a fishing pot around our rudder, and Matt has to get in frigid waters to free us. Thankfully it was just a few quick dunks in the Irish Sea and we’re on our way again.

In the Dublin area, we use one of our days to tour the Guinness Storehouse, amazed at how well everything is laid out. We even get the VIP treatment with two round of beer at the end of our tour…and even get our portraits sprayed on the second round with malted barley.

Wrapping things up we take a walk about Dún Laoghaire, where the boat is, and its famous 40 Foot Hole; as well as the historical town of Dalkey, and the castles which used to serve as storage for unloading cargo in the harbour of Dublin.

This was another episode I had so much fun reliving while I edited, and we hope you enjoy it as well!


Much love from Scotland!
Jessica, Matt & Georgie