resort overlooking Simpson Bay

Seeking Internet in Paradise

Tuesday January 20, 2015

boats at anchor in Simpson Bay

Sometimes finding internet while cruising can include many difficult things.  Like sitting in the blistering heat outside of Island WaterWorld while trying to pick up a barley there signal that keeps failing.

And sometimes it means visiting all the beach side resorts and ordering a beer so I can get the password to their wifi and then bringing it back to the boat to see if we can get the signal there with our long range device as well. Â If this fails I have to fall into a routine of try and try again. You can click here for more info about expert’s point of view to resolve this wifi issue.

Sitting at all these beach resorts in the shade while sipping a cold Presidente and regaling my ocean crossing to resort guests while groups of men twice my age look at me in wonder that I was half of a crew that just sailed over 3,000 miles from Europe.

Drinking beer and chatting with friends I haven’t spoken to in a month while overlooking a pristine beach and all the boats at anchor is a very rough life.  But let me tell you my friends, I am fully up for these duties.

Presidente beer

resort overlooking Simpson Bay