Jord  Turquoise Zebrawood

Keeping Time with JORD Wooden Watches

Jord wooden watches I don’t know about you, but I always have a terrible time shopping for any of the men in my life unless they tell me exactly what they want. Girls are so easy, for the majority of us we just love stuff, but guys can be a little trickier to decipher hobbies and random comments for actual wants

Which I thought was really cool when we were contacted by JORD Wooden watches about their wooden time pieces.  They’ve managed to combine an essential accessory with style, beauty, and a uniqueness to fit every personality.  Something everyone needs and after seeing theirs, will want as well.

All of their watches are made out of recycled sustainable materials which we love, and the beautiful woods are not coated in varnished but only rubbed down with tung oil to protect the wood.  Trust me, they are items of beauty. I’ve chosen their Zebrawood & Turquoise from the Cora series which features swarovski crystal markers and an automatic drive system, and Matt and sporting their Red Sandalwood & White Carbon from the Delmar Series and fortunately for him comes made with a scratch proof glass.

I think they’ll work great in our sailing/nomadic life as there are times I want to don something nicer than my sport/passage/glow-in-the-dark watch for outings into town, and it has the beneficial trifecta of being stunning, extremely light weight,  as well as splash proof (just remember, not waterproof). Plus, they just get us and our style of life.  With quotes like ‘We make our watches for people who don’t just have somewhere to be, they have somewhere to go’, and ‘Moments are bigger than minutes and your watch should tell more than time’, it’s like we’re soulmates of the company/consumer world.

Another great thing about JORD is they offer free shipping worldwide!  So before you get hung up on what to get your special someone for a birthday or the upcoming holidays, just click over to JORD Wooden Watches and find the perfect gift. Who knows, maybe you’ll be lucky enough to get one in return.

Jord Zebrawood

Jord turquoise and zebrawood

Jord turquoise and zebrawood

Jord Red Sandalwood

Jord men's Red Sandalwood

Jord men's Red Sandalwood
Wood Watches For Men