Hanging our Clean Laundry to Dry

Monday March 10, 2014

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We’ve actually cleaned our clothes for the first time in a washer and dryer ever since…Grand Cayman back in June.  It seems like every place we’ve been to since, you hand someone all your dirty clothes, they tell you to come back tomorrow, and they hand them back to you all clean and freshly pressed.  It’s a pretty good system and I have not minded the folding that has to be done after just coming out of the dryer.  I’d say that we’d actually gotten spoiled in that little system, but I won’t lie, once we landed here in Fort Lauderdale, I was looking forward to taking the laundry in myself.  At least three hours of uninterrupted internet time.  I haven’t had a good connection since Isla, and I’m starting to think my friends and family believe I’m ignoring them when I don’t respond to their emails right away.  Nope.  Just don’t have much access or time anymore.

All was going well with the wash.  I stuffed everything we had into a few of the washers and went out to hang around on the docks where I could pick up a better internet signal.  40 minutes later I went back to switch the clothes over to the dryer and repeated the process with my computer.  Waiting an hour this time, I went back to pull out the clothes and found they were still a little damp.  Jessica had warned me about this, that the dryer might take two goes to get everything fully dry, and I was prepared for this.  Starting the cycle over once more, I went about other errands such as taking full advantage of the facilities and using the showers.  When that 40 minutes had lapsed I went back to find our clothes no drier than when I had left them.  The machines were just not working.

Taking out the damp heaps of clothes and shoving them back in the laundry bag, I brought them back to Serendipity where they would need at least a few hours hanging out on the lines.  Every single clothes pin was used and every inch of available lifeline was taken over as we had dozens of items of clothes blowing in the wind.  There was still so much left over that we took to hanging them in any space we could below deck as well.  I had to laugh at this situation, but Matt was so worried about our clean laundry blocking the pristine view of all these McMansions that surrounded us.  He was sure the police were going to be called and we’d be asked to leave.  That they wouldn’t take kindly to our type.  A few hours later the clothes dried, and the police never came.  We were safe for another day.

A quick update on our fast food diet.  If you’ll remember, I reported that we got so sick after eating Wendy’s once we arrived in Key West, after going months without fast food, that we vowed never to eat it again.  A new leaf had been turned.  It would only be fresh(er) food for us.  Well, I am now reporting that we are back to our old habits.  It turns out that when your only internet connection is coming from a McDonald’s or a Taco Bell, you force yourself to eat the food while you’re there, and each time it gets a little easier.  I wouldn’t say we’re quite addicted again, but it has become part of our diet a few times a week again, or when we’re out running errands and just need something to eat.

Now I get to the part your really going to hate us for.  Not only have we started eating it again, but we’ve started to hunt down certain establishments so we can get in almost every fast food chain while we’re still here in the states.  We’d already checked off: Wendy’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Pollo Tropical ( a new one for us actually).  So when we were taking the bus out to Walmart today to do some provisioning I said to Matt, “You know what we haven’t had yet?  Long John Silver’s.  Doesn’t a hush puppy sound good?”  And I’ll be damned, not five minutes after I said that the bus passed by the iconic blue roof.  We ran inside and gobbled down fried fish and hush puppies with delight.  I know, we are sick, sick people

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