It’s been fun sailing the Northern Latitudes, but now we want to warm up!!
Finding VERY cheap airfare from London to the Canary Islands, we say goodbye to boat life for a few weeks as we enjoy all the spoils the island of Tenerife has to offer.

Instead of flying back to Michigan, and snow, to see some family members, we bring them out to us for their first taste of Europe and life in the islands. While Matt’s mom and step-dad are joining us for a week in our one bedroom apartment, we take in some of the highlights of this desert like island – including its black sand beaches, colonial Spanish towns, and miles of stunning coastline.

We wanted to test out our new GoPro Hero8, and gave it a test on a few of our outings, solely using this camera to record our Real Time Update. A proper episode will follow sequentially where we hopefully hike the forests of the north, enjoy an authentic Guachinche meal, and *possibly* meet up with a few sailors headed our way.

We hope you enjoy!!
Much love from Tenerife,
Jessica & Matt

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